Deepan Graphic Designer

welcome to my blog

I’m always looking for self improvement and I’m willing to experiment new possibilities of visual expression through any process of visual communication, from traditional techniques, to digital ones, searching for real and tough challanges that can squeeze out the best of me for the clients I work for, pushing my limits over and over again.

And last, but not least, to enjoy my life.

Deepan is graduated from pixal institute of multimedia and web designing. And then went on to a career in design within advertising agencies, Including a major national agency, Whilst working in india.

I started my career in the year 2011 to 2013 in MADRAS PRESS its a weekly educational magazine as a graphic designer.Then i got a opportunity in Hero print sysstem as a graphic designer in the year 2014 to 2015. Then i got a life changing oppotunity in a advertising industry namely Davinci Creatives as Sr.Graphic Designer in the year 2014. Now i have developed my knowledge to the modern world of advertising industry.

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